unproductive man makes small sum of cash delivering mediocre food

today is Feb 2, 2022. I made $59 at work for a four and a half hour shift. listened to a few episodes of Exploring Tomorrow and Lights Out. wish there was more sci-fi otr to listen to.

daughter is growing nicely, she's doing more and more each day it seems. wife is bored. I'm not very nice to her sometimes, I should work on that.

otherwise, life is progressing fine, towards my unknown end. I need to study math more often & more intensely, I feel as though I am grasping concepts but not remembering them. errors crop up on material I think I've learned fully.

spent a lot of today day dreaming about winning a huge lottery jackpot and arguing with myself other whether I would still go to college for a degree despite not needing one. probably could have spent that time being more productive.